


Send metrics, logs, and traces to Datadog.

This destination connects to the Datadog service and supports metrics, logs, and traces.


The Datadog destination allows you to send metrics, logs, and traces to your Datadog account. In addition, events for: service checks, agent intake, agent metadata, and trace statistics will also be forwarded to Datadog. These additional event types are often emitted by the Datadog agent when enabling metrics and trace forwarding.

Log message events will be batched efficiently and compressed before sending to Datadog. All other event types are sent immediately in a single payload.

You should know!

At the moment the Datadog destination only supports events received from the Datadog agent. Sending an event from any other source to the Datadog destination will generate an error and the event will be dropped.


  • API Key: Your Datadog API key. You can create API keys in the Organization Settings in your Datadog account
  • Datadog Region: Region that your Datadog account exists in


Log messages will be batched up to a maximum of 1,000 logs, 5MB of total size or for a duration of 30 seconds, whichever comes first.

Any Datadog request with a 2xx response code will be considered a success. Response codes of 400, 413, and 403 will drop events. Any other response code greater than 400 or that results in an error/timeout will be retried.

CrowdStrike LogScale